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  • Data Centers Powering AI Boom Push Google, Microsoft Emissions Up

Data Centers Powering AI Boom Push Google, Microsoft Emissions Up

AI's Dirty Secret: Tech Gains Collide with Climate Goals

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Here are 5 things you missed today in the world of AI. Because we get it, life is busy & who has the time to sit around and keep up with the fastest moving industry right now - here are 5 things we think you need to know in the world of AI.

1 - 💥 Data Centers Powering AI Boom Push Google, Microsoft Emissions Up

Tech companies are seeing a surge in revenue thanks to AI, but this boom comes at an environmental cost. The energy demands of powering AI research and data centers are causing significant carbon emissions. Both Google and Microsoft have seen their carbon footprints rise substantially in recent years, despite setting ambitious net-zero goals. The industry is grappling with how to develop greener technology and power sources to meet the growing needs of AI without further harming the planet.

2 - 👩🏻‍⚕️ Prime Day Shopping Gets AI Boost with Amazon's Rufus Assistant

Amazon's AI shopping assistant, Rufus, is now available to all US customers in the shopping app. Launched just in time for Prime Day, Rufus can answer your product questions, recommend and compare items, and even track your orders. This comes alongside other Amazon AI advancements, like their cloud platform for building generative AI applications and their investment in AI startup Anthropic.

3 - 🤔 OpenAI Under Scrutiny: Report Raises Fresh Concerns About AI Safety

Despite claiming safety as a core principle, OpenAI faces mounting criticism from employees and experts regarding its rush to develop powerful AI without proper safety checks. Internal sources allege compromised safety protocols and prioritization of product launches over rigorous testing. OpenAI maintains its commitment to safety but these concerns raise questions about its fitness to lead the development of potentially world-altering technology.

4 - ⚖️ OpenAI Unveils Scale for Measuring AI Intelligence

OpenAI developed a scale to track progress towards human-like AI. This scale has 5 levels: basic conversation (Level 1), solving problems like a PhD (Level 2), taking actions for users (Level 3), creating new ideas (Level 4), and running entire organizations (Level 5). While OpenAI believes they are close to Level 2, significant challenges like computing power and safety remain.

5 - 🧓🏻 Why Experienced Workers are Key to Successful AI Integration

While many worry AI will replace senior workers, the article argues it's more likely to augment their roles. AI can handle repetitive tasks, freeing up senior employees to focus on strategy and applying insights gleaned from AI. The key is for senior workers to embrace continuous learning and potentially engage in "reverse mentoring" with younger, more tech-savvy colleagues.

Written by AI Bulletin team - Australia
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