🍎 Apple's Next Big Thing Revealed

On-Device AI or Augmented Reality?

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Here are 5 things you missed today. Because we get it, life is busy & who has time to sit around reading the news - here are 5 things we think you need to know in the world today.

1 - 🍎 Apple's Next Big Thing Revealed: On-Device AI or Augmented Reality?

Apple is set to unveil a new AI initiative called "Apple Intelligence" at its Worldwide Developers Conference. This initiative is expected to include a partnership with OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, and will bring generative AI features to iPhones and other Apple devices.

These features could include an improved Siri virtual assistant, AI-powered assistance with emails and information retrieval, and integration with other Apple apps. Apple is likely to emphasize its focus on privacy and security with these new AI features.

2 - 🚀 Warp Speed Ahead: Scientists inch closer to making interstellar travel a reality

Scientists believe a popular sci-fi trope, the warp drive, could become a reality. A recent paper outlines a theoretical model for a warp drive engine that could propel spaceships at near light speed. This research, coupled with an international project to develop warp speed for real, suggests that traveling vast distances in space may be achievable in the future.

While there are significant challenges, like building a physical engine based on real-world physics, there is a growing effort and financial backing to make warp drives a reality. This could revolutionize space travel, allowing for much faster exploration of the cosmos.

3 - 🤷🏻‍♀️ Inflation Tops Everyone's Financial Worries, But Only Gen Z Unfazed by Recession Threat

A new study shows Gen Z is less worried about a recession compared to other generations. This might be because they haven't experienced one firsthand, unlike millennials, Gen X, and baby boomers who ranked recession as a top concern. Inflation is the top financial worry for everyone, with nearly half of all respondents struggling to keep up with rising prices.

4 - 🤖 Mayoral Candidate Proposes Using AI Chatbot for Decision-Making

Cheyenne mayoral candidate Victor Miller wants an AI named VIC (Virtual Integrated Citizen) to call the shots if elected. Miller built VIC with unauthorized tech and may switch to another AI if needed. Wyoming officials say AI can't be a candidate, but Miller sees it as a test case for AI's future role in politics. He expects AI to become a normal tool for politicians, even if he loses.

5 - 💸 Tesla Shareholders Face Second Vote on Musk's $50 Billion Pay Package

Tesla shareholders face a tough decision: approve Elon Musk's massive $50 billion pay package, or risk losing his leadership. The board says the pay is needed to keep Musk focused on Tesla, but critics say he's already spread thin across multiple companies.

Adding to the complexity, a Delaware court struck down the pay package earlier this year. Tesla is appealing the decision and hopes a shareholder vote in favor will strengthen their case. The vote is also seen as a referendum on Musk's leadership, with some questioning his commitment to Tesla given his other ventures.

Written by The Managers Bulletin team - Australia
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